On 27 April 2023 was held the information meeting to present project No BGLD-1.007-0054: "Improvement of the local development of the municipality of Bansko through the creation of new jobs in ADVANCED PROJECT CONSULTING Ltd.".
Събитието се състоя в конферентната зала на Грийн Лайф Ризорт Банско и привлече значителен интерес от представители на всички целеви групи лица.
During the meeting, we shared details about the project and the expected results, as well as upcoming trainings and events. We presented details on the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway Grants and contributing to a greener, more competitive and more inclusive Europe. We paid special attention to our partners: EuroAcademy Consulting NUF - a Norwegian company engaged in conducting and promoting trainings and seminars.
Благодарим на всички участници за проявения интерес и активното им присъствие! Вашият ентусиазъм и ангажимент са ключови за успеха на проекта.
Следете нашата страница за актуализация на датите и местата за обученията, както и за друга полезна информация, свързана с проекта.

The contents of this document reflect the views only of the authors, and the Programme Operator of the Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups Programme cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Information meeting on project № BGLD-1.007-0054
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